The experience of driving a 4×4 vehicle is full of adventure and enthusiasm. These drives are especially designed to take on any road (or lack of it) and can become real toys for anyone.
However, one must take into account certain important aspects so as to prioritize our own safety and that of others.
Our expeditions at Start Adventure may give you the opportunity of driving 4×4 vehicles. If this is your first or twentieth ride aboard one of these, here are some tips to consider:
In general, driving on gravel roads can be quite accessible. But if you face terrain characteristics such as holes, roots or mud, you must apply to your driving basic principles of terrain interpretation. Pay attention to what’s ahead. Observe your path up to 20 meters ahead of you, so that you have time to make decisions. Most of these will be a matter of common sense, but you will have to trust your eyes and your instinct in order to evaluate the road conditions.
It’s not for nothing that quite a few drivers find themselves in the gutter while driving a 4×4 incorrectly. Driving such a large and robust car might make us feel invincible, but you’d rather be flexible than stubborn.
It happens to the best. Plenty of drivers have the impulse to go back and forth so as to rock the car and wobble out of the hole they’re stuck in. However, the best thing to do in most cases is to simply move forward: slow but steady, or jerking along. Take into account that each obstacle is an obstacle in itself depending on the type of terrain.
Listen carefully to the instructions that are given to you and ask all the questions that come to mind, even those that sound silly to you. There are no silly questions. Nobody knows everything and these things take practice.
Be also mindful of your passenger’s hunches, because an extra pair of eyes can be very useful — but you are driving, not them. If you disagree about something, avoid bickering. Just like when you drive your own car to work, one must always keep calm and avoid strong emotions so as to make important decisions in a matter of seconds. Arguing with your passengers won’t do.
Soon you will realize that everything’s going well. Open the windows and enjoy the fresh air and the amazing landscapes of Namibia, Botswana, Costa Rica and Portugal.
Keep on reading our Adventure blog for more tips on our expeditions and make sure to follow Start Adventure on social media for that dose of adventure that sustains you.
Cover image: Robert Bye